Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Retro-Party Sacks

During one of my random trippings along the "inter-web", I came across this gem. Imagine the events that lead up to this scene- and what might have happened afterward.
There needs to be a documentary on this crew, because I have questions:
Who are they?
Where do they call home?
What the hell are they celebrating?
One thing I think we can agree on-
You don't want to be in a knife fight with Jimbo over there.
Cheers, Party-Sacks!

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Weird Sackage

Weird Science. Now that's a classic 80's film. You can probably nominate a couple of sad-sacks from that movie (I'm looking at you Wyatt and Gary). But for some unknown reason, I've been thinking about Chet lately. As an older brother, I know the nuances of picking on your siblings, and then coming around to regret being an asshole. It's just the way it is. However in this instance, Chet really did have to learn things the hard way. His humbling showdown with Lisa (the foxy Kelly LeBrock) is the stuff of legends. We all took pleasure in watching Chet grovel, and perhaps even felt pity in the end. Epic Sad-Sackedness and the transformative power of film and science!
I'm heading to Blockbuster after work...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009


This is what a post-grunge train wreck looks like. Courtney Love is definitely her own woman and not afraid to express herself. I applaud that.
However, there may be some age-appropriate fashion issues here. Looking like a spun-out flapper who was expelled from the Renaissance Fair, is not a good look. And the amount of thigh I'm seeing on the photo to the right is just wrong.
You know when you go to the grocery store and see a little kid wearing their soccer uniform, or their princess outfit, and you say: "Awww... how cute"?
This has the exact opposite affect.
Courtney Love is Sad-Sacking it here on many levels.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Sacky Album covers

So your dog is gay. It's ok. Christmas may have come and gone, but you can still celebrate any special occasion with some tunes that will make your four-legged pal's tail wag.
Looking for more "interesting" albums to choose from?
Mosey on over to: